3M MAP Scholarship for Electromechanical Systems ($2,500)
For students entering or currently enrolled in the Electromechanical Systems program. Must be a high school graduate or possess a GED and have a minimum 2.50 GPA.
- Priority preference for students who have participated in a 3M MAP sponsored program in High School or Junior High School. Preference is also given to underrepresented communities (women, minorities, veterans) and those who show an economic need.
Accounting Scholarship ($1,000 – $4,000)
Supports full or part-time students in the Accounting program with a 3.0 minimum GPA.
Alice Hausman Wall of Fame Scholarship ($500)
Full-time students in trade programs
ASL Community Scholarship ($500)
Students enrolled in any Sign Language Interpreting, ASL, or Child Development ASL program.
Automotive Service Scholarship ($500)
Auto Service Technician students with a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Bob Christopherson Memorial Scholarship ($500)
Full-time Welding students with at least 6 credits at Saint Paul College
Boker’s, Inc. Scholarship ($1,000)
Supports two full-time or part-time students with at least six credit hours in the CNC Toolmaking program with a 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA.
Cabinet Making Scholarship ($500)
Cabinet Making students at Saint Paul College.
Carl L. Eastvold Scholarship for Career and Technical Programs ($500)
Full-time students in trades programs with a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Carpentry Program Scholarship ($500)
Carpentry students in good academic standing and with financial need.
Circinus Global Trade Scholarship ($500)
Global Trade students with the highest GPA’s in the program. Awarded at the end of the spring semester.
Donna Tarras Culinary Arts Scholarship ($500)
Culinary Arts student who will be enrolled in the second semester of the program with a serious commitment to a career in the field.
Donovan Schwichtenberg Scholarship ($500)
Full-time students in any program with demonstrated academic achievement and financial need with a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Dorothy Mazur Nursing Scholarship ($500)
Practical Nursing students who will be enrolled in the second or third semester of the program with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Dot and Tom Louder Scholarship ($500)
Medical Laboratory Technician student with financial need and a minimum 2.75 GPA. The student must be entering his/her final year in the program.
Eberhard Werthmann Culinary Arts Scholarship ($1,000)
Supports a student with a Culinary Arts Diploma or AAS Degree major. The student must have completed at least one full semester in the Culinary Arts program and demonstrated a commitment to a career in the culinary arts.
Elena Carr-Gerlich Endowed Scholarship ($2,000)
Supports entering Trade and Technical students who grew up or live in the St. Paul District 8 – Rondo/Summit University community with a minimum 3.0 high school GPA or above. This scholarship may be continued through course completion based on continued progress in the program and maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA.
English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Scholarship ($500)
Supports a student currently enrolled in at least one EAP course. A current student may also qualify if they have completed at least one EAP class in the past.
Esch Construction Scholarship ($1,000)
Supports a BIPOC student (Black, Indigenous, Person of Color) in a Career and Technical Education program.
Fantastic Sams Scholarship ($500)
Supports a student in any semester in the Cosmetology program in good academic standing.
Fargo Family Scholarship ($500)
Full-time, single-parent students in the Business Administrative Professional, Child Development Careers or Practical Nursing program.
Friends of Saint Paul College Scholarship ($500)
Students in any program with a GPA of 2.0 or higher
G.R. Chase Michael Scholarship ($500)
Single parent, minimum 2.8 GPA, and completed one semester at Saint Paul College.
Gene Haas Scholarship ($2,000)
This scholarship is available to students who are currently enrolled or will be enrolling in a CNC Toolmaking program at Saint Paul College.
George Christen Scholarship ($500)
Massage Therapy or Personal Trainer students who have completed at least one semester with a 3.0 GPA or higher.
George Floyd Memorial Scholarship ($2,000)
Supports students that identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or a person of color (BIPOC) in good academic standing.
Gladys Westin Scholarship ($500)
Medical Lab Technician students who have completed at least one year with a GPA of 3.2 or higher, financial need, and working while going to school.
Graco Manufacturing Technology Scholarship ($2,000)
Manufacturing Technology AAS degree, Machine Tool diploma, or CNC certificate students enrolled full-time with a minimum 2.0 GPA.
Hans O. Nyman Engineering Scholarship ($1,000)
Students with a demonstrated interest in district heating and cooling, cogeneration, energy conservation, and/or environmental quality improvement.
Horton Holding, Inc, Scholarship ($750)
Pre-Engineering (AS) degree students with a minimum 2.0 GPA and financial need. Must plan to transfer to continue their engineering studies at a four-year college or university.
- Renewed for up to 2 years (including summer terms) based on satisfactory academic progress and a minimum 2.0 GPA.
IBEW Local #110 Electrical Scholarship ($500)
Full-time Electrical student who has completed at least 2 semesters with a GPA of 3.0 or greater and financial need. Renewed for $500 for Spring semester based on 3.0+ GPA.
James Staloch Memorial Scholarship ($500)
Single parents in any program; at least 9 credits completed; a GPA of 2.5 or higher; financial need.
John Erik Brandenburger Scholarship in Culinary Arts ($1,000)
Culinary Arts student with a GPA of 2.5 or higher and financial need.
Judith Marie Burgess Scholarship ($500)
This scholarship supports cabinetmaking students. Can be renewed for the spring semester with a qualifying GPA.
Jung Family Scholarship for Child Development Studies ($500)
Students in good standing in the Child Development program with a GPA of 3.0 or higher and financial need. Preference for first generation students and students who have volunteer experience working with children.
I’ve Been Eating My Whole Life Scholarship ($1,000)
Supports second-semester students in the Culinary Arts program. The scholarship may be continued in the third and fourth semesters based on continued progress in the program.
Ken and Ruth Wilson Endowed Scholarship ($500)
Students must have completed one semester of the Machine Technology program in good standing with a GPA of 3.0 or higher and financial need.
Kenneth R. Webber Scholarship ($2,500)
Machine Tool or Right Skills Now Manufacturing students with demonstrated financial need and a commitment to working in the manufacturing field.
Renewable until program completion with student satisfactory academic progress and dependent on available funds.
Kopp Family Foundation Scholarship ($500)
Students who are ineligible for traditional financial aid but have demonstrated financial need and completed FAFSA form. Current students must be in good standing with a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Kowalski’s Market Scholarship ($500)
Culinary Arts student at Saint Paul College. For the purchase of culinary tools.
Laura Beeth Scholarship ($1,000)
Supports students with a minimum 3.0 GPA in any health care program.
Students need to be in at least their second semester.
Lawrence and Christine Fischer Scholarship ($500)
Students must have completed one semester with a minimum 2.5 GPA, financial need, and be a graduate of Saint Paul Public Schools. Preference to Culinary Arts students.
Major Duff Military Scholarship ($500)
Supports a student associated with the United States military- Active duty military
- National Guard
- Honorably discharged veteran
- Abled or disabled veteran
- Child or spouse of any of the above
Matthew Koch Memorial Culinary Arts Scholarship ($2,500)
Supports a third-semester student in the Culinary Arts Program, with demonstrated financial need and demonstrated commitment to a career in the culinary arts.
McDonald-Stees Endowed ($1,500)
Supports students age 30 and over who are seeking additional education to either change careers or advance in their current employment. Preference will be given to first-semester students who live in the St. Paul District 8 – Summit University community.
McGough Construction/K. McCabe Scholarship ($500)
Students enrolled in a construction trades program at Saint Paul College, with demonstrated financial need, underrepresented populations in the trades and serious commitment to their construction industry career.
Medical Lab Tech Support Scholarship ($1,000)
Medical Lab Tech student entering his/her final year of study, a minimum 3.0 GPA, demonstrated financial need, and commitment to the profession.
Nancy Crippen Scholarship ($500)
Nursing students at Saint Paul College with demonstrated financial need and good academic standing.
National Board for Respiratory Care Scholarship ($1,000 – $1,500)
Supports students in the Respiratory Care or Respiratory Therapy program with a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA.
Nazim Alley Memorial Scholarship for Phi Theta Kappa ($500)
Student in PTK with outstanding academic performance and actively participates in chapter events and activities.
Nelson Wood Shims Scholarship for Carpentry Students ($1,500)
Carpentry student at Saint Paul College with demonstrated financial need.
Nora Galvin Memorial Healthcare Scholarship ($1,000)
Supports a student in the Practical Nursing program. The student will be in good academic standing and making sufficient academic progress toward their program completion.
Omnitool Scholarship for CNC Toolmaking ($2,000)
Supports second or third-semester students in the CNC Toolmaking programs with 2.75 minimum GPA.
Philando Castile Memorial Scholarship ($2,000)
Supports a Black, Indigenous, and/or person of color in academic good standing.
Students must be in at least their second semester.
Pipefitting JATC Scholarship ($1,500)
Student in good standing; enrolled in the second semester of the Pre-Pipefitting day program; minimum 2.5 GPA; and recommendation from a Pre-Pipefitting instructor.
Practical Nursing Scholarship ($1,000)
Supports a Practical Nursing program with a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA and financial need.
Richard A. Newman Memorial Scholarship ($500)
First-year Plumbing students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Richard Anfang Scholarship ($500)
Full-time students in any program with a 2.0 GPA and financial need.
Richard Milon Family Culinary Scholarship ($500)
Second Year Culinary Arts student with a minimum 3.0 GPA. For culinary equipment only.
Robert Erickson Scholarship for Part-Time Students ($500)
Part-time adult students in any program. Priority given to students who are also working part or full time.
Roland Koester Memorial Scholarship ($1,000)
Supports students with a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA. (A high school student with earned college credits may also be considered.)
Preference will be given to students in a Business or Technical Education program.
Ryan Caulfield Culinary Scholarship ($500)
Students enrolled in Culinary Arts at Saint Paul College.
Saint Paul College Alumni & Friends Scholarship ($500)
First generation college students in any program with demonstrated financial need.
Saint Paul College Faculty and Staff Scholarship ($500)
Students in any program in good academic standing with financial need
Satya Garg Scholarship ($500)
Student entering his/her final year of study in an AA, AS, or AAS program, minimum 2.75 GPA, demonstrated financial need, and shows commitment to the profession.
Scott Runman Memorial Culinary Arts Scholarship ($1,500)
Supports a student in the Culinary Arts program with a 3.0 minimum GPA.
Preference is given to Black, Hispanic, or Native American students.
Sima Z. Savin Scholarship ($500)
First generation students with a GPA of 3.6 or higher
Sonnack Culinary Scholarship ($500)
Culinary Arts students at Saint Paul College in their first semester.May renew in the second year based on continued progress in the program and minimum 3.0 GPA.
Southern California Scholarship ($1,000)
Students enrolled in any program at Saint Paul College, with demonstrated financial need and a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Southward Family Scholarship ($500)
Electrical Technology students with a 3.0 GPA or higher and financial need.
Sullivan Scholarship ($500)
Supports a student in the Electrical Technology program.
Tipler Family Endowed Scholarship ($1,250)
For students enrolled in the second semester of a trade program (other than an electrical program). Students must be in academic good standing with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Renewable for two additional semesters depending on good academic standing and minimum 3.0 GPA.
Tom Nielsen Endowed Scholarship ($1,000)
Supports students enrolled in the CNC Machine Tool program in good standing.
Truck Technician Scholarship ($500)
Supports students enrolled in the Truck Technician program.
Ujamaa Pathways to Prosperity Scholarship ($625)
A first-semester student who has completed the Ujamaa program AND is recommended by an Ujamaa staff member.May renew for 1 semester based on Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Victoria Davis and Nathaniel Khaliq Scholarship ($500)
Students in any program who grew up in the Rondo neighborhood, graduated from Saint Paul Public Schools, and volunteers in the community.
Xcel Energy CIP Scholarship ($1,000)
Supports students with financial need in programs with course requirements related to energy efficiency.
Zach & Chelsey Schwartz Scholarship ($500)
Supports a student who is socioeconomically disadvantaged
and has experience living or working in diverse environments and/or who has demonstrated experience in or commitment to working with historically underserved or underprivileged populations.
- Preference is given to a student of color.