Donor Resources

We appreciate your partnership in supporting Saint Paul College students. This page provides resources to help you explore giving options and maximize your impact. Start with our ‘Friend to Friend’ series, where you’ll find three helpful handouts on making a difference through charitable giving.
Start Here.
Our ‘Friend to Friend’ series offers in-depth guides to help you make informed decisions about your giving. These resources provide valuable insights into different giving methods and their unique benefits.
We also want to make it easy for you to share this valuable information with your network. Click the link below to generate a customizable email to send to your friends, family, and colleagues
Series 1
Friend to Friend: Insider Tips to Maximizing Your Impact

Unrestricted Funds
By providing unrestricted support, you partner with SPC to address the ever-changing needs of our students. These funds allow us to allocate resources strategically, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed. In a world of constant change, your unrestricted gifts provide a steady foundation for student success.

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs)
Donor-advised funds (DAFs) are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle in the U.S., and for good reason. They offer a tax-smart, flexible, and efficient way to support the causes you care about, including Saint Paul College.

Legacy Giving
Legacy giving, also known as planned giving or gift planning, is when a donor intends to make a gift to an organization after their lifetime. It’s a way for individuals to make larger donations to charitable organizations than they could with their ordinary income.